Baking Tip #2 → Sophia’s Super Soft Butter Trick
If there is one part of the baking process that I loathe, it is definitely having to be patient. A time when patience is inevitable is when a recipe calls for softened butter. The most popular way to get softened butter is to let the butter sit at room temperature for an hour or two before you begin baking. However, if you don’t feel like waiting an hour or two, I have a trick for you! All you need for this easy trick is a microwave save bowl or hollow dish that can hold the amount of butter for which your recipe calls.
Here’s how you do it:
- First, microwave a glass dish without a lid or anything in it for two minutes.
- Carefully remove the dish from the microwave and be careful, because the dish will be very warm.
- Place the butter on a countertop and place the hot dish on top of the butter, so the butter is completely covered.
- Leave the butter covered for three minutes.
- After three minutes, uncover your perfectly softened butter.
- To check if your butter is perfectly softened, press your finger in the middle of the butter stick. The butter should hold its shape but still have an indent from where you pressed your finger.
I hope that you use this trick because I promise it will make baking a lot butter!